Trauma is a horrific thing to deal with in any life. In fact, if this is the case with your life, then you may think you don’t have anywhere to turn for a remedy. Processing trauma is quite difficult unless you have a trauma therapy program to guide you through the experience. Consequently, it’s common for people with trauma issues to turn to drugs as a form of self-medication. However, this doesn’t solve the problem in their lives. You may be wondering — what are the effects of trauma and what is trauma therapy? Learning more about trauma allows individuals to find the right treatment they need and learn how it impacts substance abuse.
How Trauma Begins
Trauma often begins in childhood for many people. However, it can happen at any time. How does trauma happen? It could be from a one-time situation or ongoing incidences that occur over time. The incidences harm the emotional and mental development of the person. Some examples of these incidents include:
- Childhood neglect or abuse
- Domestic abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Witnessing a crime
- Being involved in a natural disaster
- Losing a loved one through death or divorce
- Moving a lot when young and being uprooted from close friends and family
What is considered a trauma for one person may not necessarily be a trauma for someone else. The reason for this is that everyone has different coping mechanisms and deals with situations differently. However, when dealing with trauma, there are consequences that people will deal with as a result.
As a result, if the trauma is not processed and dealt with appropriately, then it can seep into your life in the future and hinder relationships.
The Effects of Trauma
The effects of trauma range depending on the person and on the trauma they endured. In addition, it makes a difference in how long the person went through the trauma. Yet, most people will experience some similar symptoms, such as:
- Physical complaints like headaches and stomach aches
- Moodiness
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Substance use as a form of self-medication
A more severe form of trauma is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People dealing with this type of trauma may experience symptoms, such as:
- Nightmares
- Avoiding the place where the trauma occurred
- Easily startled
- Always on guard
- Intrusive thoughts about the event
What Is Trauma Therapy?
You may be wondering — what is trauma therapy? This therapy focuses on the trauma as well as the aftermath of that trauma. One aftereffect of trauma is substance abuse. Therefore, an important feature of trauma therapy is to assist with substance use and its roots. Several approaches are used as opposed to just one method. Some therapies that are successful in treating trauma include:
- Trauma-focused treatment
- Recreational therapy
- Expressive therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Through therapy, you will find the pathway to move forward.
Find Hope At TruHealing Gaithersburg
If your life has been marked by trauma and addiction, discover hope and healing by reaching out to our addiction treatment center in MD.
Welcome to TruHealing Gaithersburg where our caring and professional team of therapists will lead you to a place of healing. By participating in our rehab facility, you will be headed in the right direction in life because you’re taking action. Discover the joy of connecting with others who are on the same path.
We offer a broad variety of treatments to fit your lifestyle. A friendly therapist will help you find the ideal treatment program. Some of the programs we offer include:
- Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
- Outpatient treatment program
- Alumni program
Don’t let substance abuse steal hope from you. You can have a bright future. Now that you know more about — what is trauma therapy, you can find the pathway to happiness and healing. Just reach out to a quality rehab by contacting us at (833) 625-0398 today; we’ll walk beside you every step of the way.