How to Tell If Someone Is on Meth
Methamphetamine, also known as meth, is an illegal drug that causes permanent changes to a person’s brain and can cause irreversible damage to their mind and body. If you or someone you care about is abusing meth, it’s best to reach out for help from an experienced team of professionals. At TruHealing Gaithersburg, we offer […]
Tips to Quit Drinking
If you have noticed that social drinking or having the occasional drink has transitioned into regular or daily drinking, you may have developed an alcohol use disorder (AUD). There are numerous health consequences to AUD and alcoholism. If you have developed a drinking problem, there is no time to quit drinking like the present. Our […]
Common Myths About Addiction
There are many common myths about addiction and dependence regarding substance abuse disorders (SUDs). It’s important to debunk these myths so people do not have false impressions of what real-life addiction can look like. Another problem with myths about addiction is that they promote falsehoods that may lead people to believe drugs or alcohol are […]
What Is Physical Dependence?
There are many ways in which a person can become dependent on drugs and alcohol. It’s important to understand that addiction comes in many forms and that forming a dependence is an early sign that a person is forming an addiction. Physical dependence and psychological dependence are two indicators that a habit has formed. Physical […]
How Meth Impacts Mental Health
Addiction to methamphetamine, also known as meth, is particularly alarming for numerous reasons. For one, it’s a highly destructive and addictive drug that destroys a person’s physical and mental health. Another issue is that, unlike opiates, there are no life-saving measures like naloxone to use as a medical intervention in case of overdose. This means […]
Addiction Among Minorities and a Scholarship to Receive Treatment
Society continues to find more and more ways that the path towards equality has continued to be unequal for Americans. Black Americans are historically treated unfairly by police and the American justice system. Black Americans spend an alarmingly disproportionate time in jail or prison for equivalent offenses to White Americans. Black Americans are not given […]
Addiction Is a Disease
A person who has turned to drugs and alcohol use is not usually making a choice so much as giving in to a path of least resistance. It can seem easier to use alcohol or drugs as an escape from the hardships of daily life or to manage mental health issues like anxiety and depression. […]
How Cocaine Addiction Is Treated
Cocaine is one of the most commonly abused drugs in America. However, a high-quality treatment program helps people cease cocaine use and get their lives back on track. Cocaine addiction has never been more dangerous. Today, cocaine is often cut with potent synthetic drugs, including the opiate fentanyl. Combining these drugs is a recipe for […]
The Dangers of Cocaine
Powder cocaine and crack cocaine are essentially the same drug because they have similar properties. Crack cocaine is condensed into a harder “rock” form that is smoked as opposed to powder cocaine which is most often snorted. Powder cocaine has the perception of being a more expensive drug. However, due to the short-lived nature of […]
How Can Aftercare Programs Help with Recovery?
Aftercare programs are an essential tool for maintaining recovery from addiction. Relapse prevention is a harm reduction strategy that helps keep those in recovery on the right track. When someone in recovery feels that their willpower is not as strong as usual or that they are experiencing cravings and a temptation to abuse substances, aftercare […]