Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an increasingly popular form of therapeutic technique that has a wide range of uses for those with mental health and substance use disorders. At TruHealing Gaithersburg, dialectical behavior therapy is part of many of our clients’ treatment plans. If you’re interested in learning more about dialectical behavioral therapy for substance […]
What Are the Purposes of EMDR Treatment Centers?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of trauma therapy that has been determined to be effective for treating a range of mental health disorders. EMDR therapy makes use of a variety of tools and techniques to replace negative associations a person has with a traumatic event with associations that do not cause […]
The Importance of Alcohol Treatment Centers in Maryland

Anyone who has battled alcoholism, lived with a loved one who abuses alcohol, or has or knows someone who has struggled with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) can tell you about the toll alcohol takes on lives. Alcohol treatment centers are an invaluable resource for those who need help recovering from the traumatic effects of […]
5 Benefits of an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

Alcohol abuse and addiction are a problem for millions of Americans. Every year, alcoholism and alcohol-related accidents claim the lives of many individuals for reasons that are preventable and treatable. An alcohol rehab program can help people who are struggling with their alcohol consumption learn coping mechanisms and life skills to turn their life around […]
3 Stages of Alcoholism

There are many ways to approach questions about the stages of alcoholism or an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Looked at one way, you could describe alcoholism as becoming more problematic based on use. An example is a transition from occasional drinking, to moderate drinking, to heavy drinking. From a more broad perspective, which will be […]
Overcome Stress With EMDR Therapy

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a breakthrough therapy that mental health practitioners increasingly use to help those struggling with anxiety, stress, and trauma. EMDR therapy is becoming more and more popular as a part of an integrated treatment and wellness plan for those in recovery from substance abuse and addiction. Past trauma is […]
4 Signs You’re Dating a Drug Addict

Signs someone has a substance abuse disorder can be subtle. Typically, we imagine a person with an addiction strung out and acting erratically. There are instances in which individuals can hide their addictions, even those they are closest to. It’s important to be aware of signs that you might be dating an addict. If you […]
How to Prevent Relapse

Relapse prevention is an essential part of the recovery process. You may have heard people say that people must be ready to stay sober. There is a grain of truth in this statement. However, they can be prepared for sober life with proper treatment. At TruHealing Gaithersburg, we teach life skills and healthy habits to […]
Confront Your Past With Trauma Focused Therapy

If you have experienced trauma, it can be not easy to move forward and have a positive and rewarding life. Trauma and abuse are often reasons why people turn to substances for relief. Substance abuse is a common coping mechanism but is not sustainable. Over time, mental health symptoms worsen when trauma is not addressed. […]
Practice Self-Love With Individual Therapy

Individual therapy with a professional mental health practitioner can help you learn to practice self-love. If you have struggled with your mental health or substance abuse, it can be difficult to learn how to forgive yourself for poor decisions you may have made due to your situation. Self-care and self-love go hand in hand. If […]