Xanax Addiction: The Dangers, Side Effects, and Treatment

Xanax addiction and overdoses have become increasingly common across the country. That’s why TruHealing Gaithersburg has developed a Xanax addiction treatment program. Our detox and rehab program is designed to meet the individual needs of our clients. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction to Xanax, we encourage you to […]
5 Signs You Need Prescription Drug Treatment

A common problem with prescription drug abuse is that people do not realize they have formed a dependence or an addiction before the cycle of abuse has already begun. A large number of annual overdoses and deaths occur as a result of prescription drug addiction. If you or someone you care about is struggling with […]
Am I Addicted to Prescription Drugs?

Prescription drug addiction is extremely common. Typically, those who become addicted to prescription medications do not intend to do so. A person may begin taking medications for an entirely innocent reason such as after undergoing surgery or to treat pain related to an injury. Because of the addictive potential of some medications, especially prescription opiates, […]